Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Dark Arts

Before I begin just know that when I say "Dark Arts" it is done in a somewhat mocking manner and it is kind of an inside joke coming from a work friend of a different religious faith that sometimes (I think jokingly) accuses us of believing his religion and he practices the "Dark Arts". This isn't true and I actually think he is a really good guy.

Today the "Dark Arts" refer to Horoscopes, Tarot Cards, Palm Reading, Psychics, and most importantly Fortune Cookies. I just have to say that it blows my mind that people out there truly buy into these things. People, come on, why do you take heed to some random person making the most vague comments possible solely based on the lunar cycle and your birthday or randomly selected commercially purchased cards. Palm reading along with psychic hotlines are just as absurd and don't even get my started on the so called statements on fortune cookies. 90% of the time my fortune cookie at WOW is a saying instead of a fortune and my lucky numbers have never paid off.

There I said it and there will be no convincing me other wise. I will simply never buy into anything that is required to state it is for entertainment purposes only. I'm sorry to all those out there but Miss Chloe is for entertainment only.

Excluding fortune cookies the Chinese are the only ones to get the "Dark Arts" correct with their zodiac. Mostly because I am a Monkey and it states how smart I am along with other flattering comments. See .


Fish said...

Here's something to go along with what you said.

Kaiann said...

Nice Fish!! Agreed!