Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I hesitated to watch this one for two reasons. 1 it is a vampire movie which could either be really good (Interview With a Vampire) or really bad (any corey feldman vampire movie) and 2 even if it sucked it would still probably make me jump which isn't good on a treadmill. I ended up really enjoying it. It was fairly fast paced and it took vampires to a different place than all the others. So, as not to ruin the movie I will briefly say that it is a story about what happens when all the humans are gone and there is no more blood to drink. It was a fairly clean movie even with a few bad words but it was very gory but not the ridiculous teenage horror flick gore, instead more well placed artsy gore. I watched the whole thing in one run of 8-9 miles. It gets an A and I would probably watch it again.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I am putting this on my list of movies I want to watch.