Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Man With Two Brains

Starring Steve Martin and Kathleen Turner. Lets start by saying I don't know why anybody thought this woman was attractive. She is in several movies in the 80s that I know of always cast as a supposed sexy woman. I just don't see it as I think she has some manly features. But enough of that, long story short, Steve Martin marries this woman that is only after his money. She gives it up to every bell hop and room service man around but never for her husband in hopes to drive him mad and get his money. He is a brain surgeon that finds a woman brain that can talk to him. He falls madly in love and fortunate for him manages to transfer the good brain to his now dead wife that was killed by Merv Griffin. Lets just say that the first 2-3 miles of running was misery, not funny, boring, terrible. After that it picked up quite a bit and turned out alright for a stupid Steve Martin film. I give it a rating of C mostly because I wanted to die in the first 2 miles but I did finish the whole film so that was a plus.


Jen said...

I would have to agree with you about Kathleen Turner. Did you see the Friends episode where she played Chandler's dad?

Kami Jo said...

I am soooooo thrilled that you have shared this knowledge with us and I anxiously await more reviews!!! Thanks for the laughs!!!!